BB stands for Blemish Balm, or Beblesh Balm in Korean. This cream is said to have originated in Germany as an ointment dermatologists would prescribe to patients who have undergone laser skin surgery for its soothing and skin-regenerating properties. Perbedaan BB Cream dengan Foundation adalah BB Cream mempunyai healing-properties yg dapat memperbaiki kondisi kulit. Seperti memudarkan flek hitam, anti-aging / anti-wrinkle, UV protect, whitening, some to even out skin tone and lighten blemish scars. BB Cream dapat digunakan sebagai moisturizer, sunscreen, make-up base and foundation.
*begitu tau BB Cream multifungsi jadi ngiler deh eike
Sebenernya ada jg BB Compact atau BB Cream dalam bentuk bedak padat. Tapi lebih suka BB Cream biasa sih supaya lebih moist aja..
Review BB Cream dari yg sudah aku pakai :
The SkinFood Aloe BB Cream

Aloe Sunscreen BB Cream #2 Natural Skin SPF20 PA+(UV Protection)
A multi-function BB cream that protects skin from UV rays and moisturizes skin with aloe extract, while achieving a clear, radiant skin tone.
Use : Apply using fingers, in order, to cheeks, nose, jaw, and then forehead. Spread thinly by patting with fingers.
My Opinion :
Teksturnya kental tapi mudah diblend. Coveragenya sheer. Oil control sih biasa aja menurutku, soalnya kulitku normal-combi. Kl lagi pas keringetan trus lap wajah pake tissue kayaknya luntur deh, soalnya di tissue jadi coklat2 gt
*aku pake loose powder marcks ori yg creme yah, so pasti l/p ini transparent bgt, jadi yg luntur bukan bedak yaa.. hehehe
Dipakai dari pagi sampai malam sih kelihatan natural, nothing special menurutku. Ngga bisa nutup flek2 hitam di pipi, apalagi ngilangin.. hehe Siangnya cuma blotting aja pake tissue biasa..
Pas malem, bersihin pake milk cleanser & facial foam, kulit wajah terasa lebih mulus & kenyal. Lumayan.. Ini satu2nya kelebihan si Aloe, bikin wajah halus & kenyal...
The SkinFood Mushroom BB Cream

Mushroom Multi Care BB Cream SPF20 PA+ #2 Natural Skin
This triple-function BB cream provides UV protection and deep moisturization to skin with aloe and mushroom extracts, while arbutin and adenosine make skin clear and resilient.
Use : Apply using fingers, in order, to cheeks, nose, jaw, and then forehead.
Spread thinly by patting with fingers.
My Opinion :
Teksturnya masih lebih kental Aloe, Mushroom lebih mudah diblend. Coveragenya sheer. Oil control masih lebih bagus Aloe, Mushroom lebih moist. Kl lagi pas keringetan trus dilap pake tissue luntur juga nih..
Aku lebih suka Aloe daripada Mushroom. Kelihatan lebih 'bright' kl pake Aloe...
BRTC Jasmine Water

BRTC Jasmine Water BB Cream SPF 30
Jasmine Water BB Cream is a triple function cover cream with whitening, wrinkle repair and sunblock functions. It provide good moisture, promotes skin elasticity and acts as an excellent coverage for skin imperfections for a radiant, fairer and natural complexion.
My Opinion :
This is the best BB Cream I've ever tried !! ^o^
Walaupun shadenya cuma satu tapi bisa menyatu dengan warna kulit. Hasilnya dewy, moist & fresh. Ditambah lagi SPF 30. Tapi harganya lumayan mahal yah..
Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream SPF 42/PA+++ Shade No.23
Whitening + Anti-Wrinkle + UV Protection (SPF 42 PA+++)
Blemish Balm, also call BB Cream, is known to have been formulated as an after-treatment cream to help patients who have gone through laser skin surgery to soothe and regenerate the skin. The M Perfect Cover BB Cream gives an even and natural-looking coverage with the soothing, moisturising properties of a cream. It is suitable for all skin types including acne-prone skin, and can be used as a makeup base or foundation.
My Opinion :
Missha PC ini oxidize di aku. Kelihatan kusam setelah beberapa jam. Shade No.23 jg terlalu gelap, walaupun umumnya BB Cream bisa mengikuti warna kulit..
Info from
Dodo Club BB Cream
Dodo club's BB Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) is a 4 in 1 cream that's well known in the world. It has four functions (which is the completest among others BB Cream) that will make your makeup activities alot more easier.
Dodo BB Cream lumayan bagus coveragenya. Diantara BB Cream yg pernah aku coba malah Dodo ini yg paling bagus coveragenya. Harganya yg paling murce ^^ hehe
Oil controlnya jg bagus. Cuma tersedia 1 shade. Awal pemakaian memang terasa putih creamnya, tapi lama2 menyatu dengan kulit. Kl lagi keringetan *kenapa ya contohnya pas lagi keringetan mulu.. hehe Abisnya wajahku ngga oily, harap maklum* pas diusap pake tissue ngga nempel sama sekali. Tissuenya bersih2 aja. Sayangnya Dodo greyish di aku.. Jadi ngga aku pakai lagi
Whitening + Anti-Wrinkle + UV Protection (SPF 42 PA+++)
Blemish Balm, also call BB Cream, is known to have been formulated as an after-treatment cream to help patients who have gone through laser skin surgery to soothe and regenerate the skin. The M Perfect Cover BB Cream gives an even and natural-looking coverage with the soothing, moisturising properties of a cream. It is suitable for all skin types including acne-prone skin, and can be used as a makeup base or foundation.
My Opinion :
Missha PC ini oxidize di aku. Kelihatan kusam setelah beberapa jam. Shade No.23 jg terlalu gelap, walaupun umumnya BB Cream bisa mengikuti warna kulit..
Dodo Club BB Cream

Dodo Club BB Cream
Dodo club's BB Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) is a 4 in 1 cream that's well known in the world. It has four functions (which is the completest among others BB Cream) that will make your makeup activities alot more easier.
- The first function is as essential cream, which supplies nutritions for your skin and helps cure and sooth troubled skins such as acne problem and skin'n irritations.
- Second is as sun care, with SPF-15, it prevents your skin from UV light that can cause black spots.
- Third function is as makeup base, helps to refine your skin tone and protect your face from any dangerous chemical substants from other makeup products
- And the last function is as foundation to your makeup to help your makeup stay perfect and oil free for all day long.
Suitable for all skin types and for most of skin tones and shades. Dodo Club's BB Cream also didn't oxidize on your face, and not causing clooged pores. Safe for daily use.
My Opinion :Dodo BB Cream lumayan bagus coveragenya. Diantara BB Cream yg pernah aku coba malah Dodo ini yg paling bagus coveragenya. Harganya yg paling murce ^^ hehe
Oil controlnya jg bagus. Cuma tersedia 1 shade. Awal pemakaian memang terasa putih creamnya, tapi lama2 menyatu dengan kulit. Kl lagi keringetan *kenapa ya contohnya pas lagi keringetan mulu.. hehe Abisnya wajahku ngga oily, harap maklum* pas diusap pake tissue ngga nempel sama sekali. Tissuenya bersih2 aja. Sayangnya Dodo greyish di aku.. Jadi ngga aku pakai lagi
Aslm. Mba, mau nanya donk.. Dodo sm TSF enakan mana??Klo Dodo bisa bikin kulit kenyal jg ga??
Wslm. Masing2 punya kelebihan & kekurangan yah. Kl dodo coverage-nya lebih bagus. Kl TSF oil controlnya lebih bagus. Dodo mengandung mineral yg bisa calm down jerawat, TSF teksturnya lebih ringan jadi lebih mudah di-blend.. My Skin-Type : Normal-Combi. Soalnya setiap orang bisa beda2 lhoo ^o^
ReplyDeleteKl mau coba aja dulu sample-nya. Banyak kok yg jual.. GudLuck ;)
ReplyDeleteUdah nyoba Skin Food BB cream yang Peach Pore Sake? Itu kan buat kulit berminyak ya, tapi anehnya kalo aku pake itu, kok mukaku tambah berminyak ya?
@arummmanis, belum pernah coba +.+ Tapi aku pernah coba peach pore serumnya, lumayan bagus sih. Sayang kulitku normal jd ngga tau gimana oil controlnya :)